We're delighted to be partnering with Born in Bradford on this new initiative for young filmmakers in the Bradford district.
For more information click here.

Northern Fortress Films presents
We're Rolling - Bradford Young Filmmakers Challenge
Our filmmaking challenge is for young people aged 11+ in the Bradford District, where Northern Fortress will support you in making your first film! All abilities are welcome, learning resources will be provided. Your film can be about anything, as long as it is set in Bradford.
We have some exciting prizes to be won!
Extended deadline: 31st of May 2023
We're Rolling - Bradford Young Filmmakers Challenge is now live!
Please sign up to register your interest, receive the Learning Pack and receive your submission link. See below for FAQs including further information, rules and eligibility. The Learning Pack contains an overview of all the elements of filmmaking that you will want to consider, as well as the competition brief and useful tips and tricks for making your film. We will send you updates on the process, when new prizes are announced and with information on how to access further support during the competition process.

Educators sign up here.
We are also looking for competition sponsors, so if you/your organisation is looking to support us and secure more amazing prizes for our winners, help with in-kind support and venue hire,
please email northernfortressfilms@gmail.com
What is the age limit to enter?
You can enter if you are 11 or older and in school, college or an alternative provision in the Bradford District. This competition is not open to university students.
Judging categories will be broken into:
- Years 7 - 9
- Years 10 - 11/Level 1 & 2
- Years 12 - 13/Level 3
- SEN*
*SEN category is open aged
Can I enter if I don’t live in Bradford?
You don’t have to be from Bradford to enter, but you must be in education in the Bradford District. Basically, if you go to school, college or an alternative provision somewhere that has a BD postcode, then you’re good to go!
How do I submit my film?
We will contact you with a link to a Google Drive folder for you to upload your film to. In order to receive this, you must sign up by the 24th of May through our website.
When do I need to submit my film?
The deadline for film submissions is the 31st of May at midnight. But make sure you have signed up by the 24th of May in order to receive a submission link for your film. Alongside submitting your film, we must also receive signed consent forms from the participants/parents of the participants in the film.
What genre does my film have to be?
Your film can be any genre, any subject, as long as it is set in Bradford!
What if I don’t have a camera?
You don’t need a fancy camera to make a film. You can use a phone, tablet, webcam - get creative! We're not looking for the high-res, professionally-shot films. What we are looking for is story, character, creativity and representations of Bradford. We often find that restrictions force us to be more creative - they force you to think about what is really important!
If you don’t have access to any device that has a camera, then please get in touch. We will do our best to provide you access to something so you don’t miss out.
What if I have never made a film before?
Now is a great time to start! Sign up to receive our Learning Pack, which gives an introduction into all the different components of filmmaking as well as tips and tricks on making your film. After you have had a look, feel free to email us with any questions you might have. The most important thing is that you just have a go!
If you have made a film before, then We're Rolling is a great opportunity to have your work showcased in a screening and you may even win a prize.
What kind of support can I get with making my film?
Email us to ask any questions you may have or to highlight an area that you feel you need more support in (e.g. editing). We can get back to you via email, organise a call or even set up some online workshops to cover specific areas. We want to support you as best as possible so please do get in touch and we will see what we can do!
We have access to shoot in the museums in Bradford. So if you would like to film in these locations, then get in touch!
What if I have no way of recording sound?
We know that sound is a hugely important, and often overlooked, element of film. If you do not have access to a way of recording sound, we have a limited amount of sound recording equipment that we can arrange to lend to you for your film shoot. Just get in touch!
What prizes are there to be won?
We have lots of exciting prizes lined up. From beginner editing, colour grading and audio dubbing workshops at Sticks & Glass Leeds, to gift vouchers for Bradford-based trampoline parks, race tracks and shopping!
You will also receive a Digital Badge that you can put on your CV to show off all that you've learnt and that you took part in We're Rolling!
The SkillsHouse partnership is a collaboration of organisations across the Bradford District that work with people of all ages, supporting them into work and training, and helping them to overcome a wide range of barriers they might have to reaching their potential.
The Screen Industries Growth Network (SIGN) is a unique, business-facing initiative supporting the TV, film and games industries in Yorkshire and the Humber. SIGN aims to make this region the UK’s centre for digital creativity, and a model of diverse and inclusive activity. In order to do this, SIGN connects companies, support agencies and universities through a programme of training, business development, research and evaluation. SIGN is based at the University of York.
Making space for the ideas, talent and energy of the people in Bradford & Keighley.
The Leap’s mission is to change the nature of arts and culture from top-down to community-led. Our purpose is to support people and artists in Bradford & Keighley to shape and lead the arts and cultural offer in our District.